Standardized Test
Dear Parents,
The IOWA serves as one of the possible options for the homeschool annual evaluations and also as one of the options for the required standardized test for PEP scholarship recipients.
The IOWA Form E test is a valuable assessment tool that helps evaluate students' academic progress and achievement across various subject areas. The cost for this test is $65, which is also reimbursable through PEP and Unique Abilities funds. ​
For Kindergarten through 2nd grade students, the test is untimed, allowing them to complete it at their own pace. For students in 3rd through 12th grade, the test is timed to ensure consistency and fairness in the evaluation process. Students who will not be testing will follow their regular schedule.
Please note the following testing schedule, both days are required:
Kindergarten through 5th-grade students will be tested on Tuesday, April 30th, and Thursday, May 2nd. Please arrive at the regular scheduled time of 8:30am.
Students in 6th grade and above will be tested on Wednesday, May 1st, and Friday, May 3rd. Please arrive at the regular scheduled time of 8:30am.
If you have any questions or concerns about the testing schedule or the test itself, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at, We are here to support you and your child throughout this process and beyond.
Please register your child through the link below. The last day for registration is April 1st.
Payment Information:
Please make your payment via cash, check, Zelle ( or using the Step Up PEP or Unique Abilities scholarship. Additionally, you are able to get reimbursement for the test.
If you wish to pay using the Step Up Unique abilities or the PEP scholarship, the payment has to be sent via Ema prior to your registration being confirmed. These payments are to be send using the EMA system, under the Market place- find provider section. Please watch this very short video to find out how to send your payment. When searching for our school use Generations Christian Homeschool.
If your student is in the Unique abilities legacy system, we are able to send the payment request directly, just let us know that your student is still in the legacy system.
We are excited for your students to take the IOWA test at GCH, but we know you still have questions that we want to answer. Below are a list of Frequently Asked Questions that you might have and our answers.
Question: Why do I need this test?
Answer: The IOWA serves as one of the possible options for the homeschool annual evaluations and also as one of the options for the required standardized test for PEP scholarship recipients. For PEP Students. According to the Step Up Parent Handbook for the PEP scholarship, the PEP student must take“a state-approved national norm-referenced test, and provide those results to the Step Up For Students prior to scholarship renewal for the 2024-25 school year, and each year annually so long as the student remains a PEP student.” They also note that the student may lose their scholarship for “Failure of the student to take a required nationally norm-referenced test or the statewide assessment”.
Question: When is it and how long is it?
Answer: The testing schedule is as follows:
Kindergarten, First, and Second Graders: Testing is on Tuesday, April 30th and Thursday, May 2nd. Drop-off is at 8:30 and testing ends at 11:35.
Third, Fourth, and Fifth Graders: Testing is on Tuesday, April 30th and Thursday, May 2nd. Drop-off is at 8:30 and testing ends at noon.
Sixth through Tenth Graders: Testing is on Middle and High School students (6th-12th grade) will take the test on Wednesday, May 1st and Friday, May 3rd. Drop-off is at 8:30 and testing ends at 11:30.The test for all students will take approximately two-and-a-half hours including breaks.
Non-GCH students should be picked up promptly after testing. GCH parents have the choice to pick students up after testing or at 2:00pm. Electives will be meeting.
Question: Do they have homework during Testing?
Answer: GCH students may have work to continue with during their days at home and should refer to their teachers for more information.
Question: My student is young. How are they going to take this test?
Answer: All students will be led through the test by teachers and assistants. They will be asked to fill in bubbles next to the correct answer after the question has been read to them.
Question: How can I prepare my students for the test?
Answer: We encourage families of young children to practice filling in bubble answers at home. Practice sheets are widely available online. We also encourage you to remind your student(s) that the test does not threaten their future, either at GCH or as they are homeschooling. It is simply a tool that Step-Up asks us to use and does not determine the student’s intelligence in any way.
Question: Should they bring?
Answer: Snacks, lunch, 3 sharpened #2 pencils, sharpeners, and a well-rested mind. (The pencils MUST by #2.) 6th-12th grade students should bring a calculator in case we are allowed to use them. (This information still is not available.)
Question: What happens after the test?
Answer: After GCH sends the tests back, they will be graded and the scores will be sent back to us. We anticipate receiving the scores back within about two weeks; then we will send those scores to families. At that point, according to the Step-Up website, PEP families must submit the results to Step-Up before funding can be approved for the 2024-2025 year. Please watch your Step-Up account for instructions on how to upload your test scores.